Do’s and Don’ts When Choosing a Baby Shower Gift

As soon as you receive an invitation to a friend’s baby shower, your mind goes into a whirlwind of gift ideas for the baby shower. You may get excited about getting a gift for your friend as you may have already decided or may be worried because you may not know what would be appropriate. You want to get something that your friends, the parents-to-be, will enjoy and find useful.
However, there are a few do’s and don’ts that you need to be aware of and follow to help you get the right gift. It would help you give the best gift to your niece.
Here is what you need to know:
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Do: Check If there’s a Baby Registry and Buy Off It:
Baby registries are a trend nowadays and it truly make it easy to get something for a baby shower. They are a list of things that the parents need so the guests can avoid getting anything unwanted. So, try to find out if your friend or whoever’s baby shower you are going to has a baby registry or not.
If you are unsure of the Baby Blanket, you can go online and find various baby registries posted on Amazon by parents. These registries will help give you an idea of what the parents-to-be might need and what you can get them as a baby shower gift.
Don’t: Get Anything Off the Baby Registry Unless You Have One Thing on the Registry:
If you want to buy something off the list of the things that your mom-to-be friend requested, you must at least get one gift off the list and get another one you wanted to give that was not on the list. The truth is, moms, no matter how many kids they have, always do a lot of research when they are expecting. They do much research about the best and suitable car seats, strollers, swings, and so many things before preparing their Baby Blanket. So if you get something off the list and add along with another fun gift that you wanted to get, there is no harm as you are at least helping your friend check something off the list of essentials for her baby.
Do: Get Something for the Parents:
As everyone attending the shower will be bringing gifts for the baby, you can do something different by getting a gift for the parents. These gifts include a free at-home spa treatment, a comfy breastfeeding pillow, and so many other things. They will surely love them as much as baby gifts.
Don’t: Forget to Include the Gift Receipt with the Gift:
Make sure to include the gift receipt with the gift. You can forget the card, the bow, the wrapping paper, but if there is one thing you can’t forget, it is the gift receipt. There are things that parents appreciate more than other things. So it doesn’t matter if you got a practical gift, your friend may have wanted something else.
Also, you may have gotten them something many of the guests already gave them. So if they exchange your gift for something they needed, your money is not wasted, and you still got them a useful gift.
Do: Make it Personal:
Going for a gift that has a pure and meaningful purpose or intention is always appreciated. You can go for presents that help you carry on traditions are a great idea. Maybe your grandma knitted you a baby blanket, so you wanted to do the same for your niece or nephew or give them something that shows how much they mean to you is always a fantastic idea.
Hopefully, this list of do’s and don’ts helped you figure out what you can get for your friend’s baby shower. Just remember to stick to the list, get something functional, and always bring the gift receipt.