8 Ways to Grow Your Professional Network

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Whether you are a freelancer looking for different opportunities or an individual who wants to land a new job, having a robust professional network is vital. It gives you the proper guidance that can help you accelerate your growth. You can also learn about various things happening in the industry.

However, in most cases, you can only develop a professional network after some time. It requires a lot of effort to find new contacts and sustain them. So, if you want to expand your professional network, look no further. This article will discuss the eight ways to grow your professional network.

It’s important to note that consistent effort is vital if you want to develop your professional network. Only then would you be able to enjoy long-term results. On that note, here are eight ways to build a solid professional network. 

Social media isn’t just necessary to stay in touch and connect with friends; it is also pivotal in helping you build a strong network. 

“Staying active on social media allows people to reach out to you to make connections. Therefore, consider posting links to valuable articles or sharing informative posts related to your industry. Plus, you can also interact with people who react to your posts”, says CEO Zach Hoffman of Exults.com an internet marketing agency

  • Optimize Your LinkedIn

When using social media for professional networking, LinkedIn plays a significant role in helping you connect with professionals from your industry. Platforms like LinkedIn are great for developing connections with people in your relevant industry. It would be best to optimize your LinkedIn profile to connect with relevant players. If you need help with how to do that, consider opting for social media management services. This way, you can let experts handle your profile. 

  • Find Relevant Communities Online 

Today, you will find a community for almost everything. So, why not look for communities that are related to your industry? Different free or paid membership platforms where you can find online communities are available. These communities open up discussions among people who share the same goals or are in the same area of work. As a result, it can be an excellent opportunity to find and get in touch with relevant people from your industry. 

  • Stay in Touch With Your Former Co-workers 

Leaving your old job doesn’t mean you cut all your ties with your former co-workers. If you ended up on good terms with your manager and other employees, having them in your network is great. It will give you an idea about the new things happening at your old workplace. If any co-worker has moved to a different company, they may help you land opportunities there. 

  • Attend Networking Events 

Another excellent opportunity to meet and build a strong network is attending different events. There will be people with the same passion as yours and, more importantly, in your field. Most networking events are held offline, where you meet with people face to face. This is a great way to meet people and build trusting relationships with them. But it would help if you also considered online networking events. It will allow you to connect with them and broaden your horizons as you can connect from various locations. 

  • Consider Volunteering 

Volunteering isn’t just a way to give back to the cause you believe in; it is a great way to build a professional network. You can have the opportunity to connect with people who support the same cause as you. As a result, it might help you meet with people with the same passions as yours. Consider that to make great connections, you might still need to forge through the typical networking situations.

  • Follow Up With People 

Meeting and getting in touch with people is great, but you must also follow up with them. If someone meets with you and gives you their business card, you should call or email them the following day. Tell them about how it was great meeting them, and they can count on you if they need anything. If you commit to do something, living up to your word is highly important.

  • Work On Personal Branding 

Last but not least, it is important that you focus on your personal branding. It entails becoming a respected influencer in your industry with immense knowledge. Posting and writing articles about various topics can help you get attention towards your profile. You can post on social media to showcase your expertise and knowledge to other people. Furthermore, you can answer queries from people to present yourself as someone who knows about the industry. It will help you grab the attention and build a robust network.

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You have a clear idea now about how you can increase your professional network. If any of these strategies click with you, you should do it. There is no harm in trying things that can help you build a robust professional network and accelerate your career.

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